Civ 5 Trade Route Slot 4,2/5 8243 reviews
Venetian Republic
Enrico Dandolo
Coast (highest priority)
Diplomatic, Protective
Magical Girl
Anna Dandolo

Trade routes and tourism play major roles in keeping diseases away, so make sure to monitor your international relations as well. This increased importance to micromanagement is an exciting way to spice up your next Civ 5 playthrough. International Trade Routes are a new feature introduced in the Brave New World expansion pack for Civilization V. While the former trade route concept continues to exist under the name ' City Connections ' , the new system allows you to establish long-term trading connections with other civilizations or City-States. Gateway to Africa: Receives +3 Gold and +1 Culture for each Trade Route with a different civ or City-State. The Trade Route owners receive +2 Gold for each Trade Route sent to Morocco. The Trade Route owners receive +2 Gold for each Trade Route sent to Morocco. Wagon Trains: +2 Gold from all your land Trade Routes. Maintenance paid on Roads and Railroads reduced by 50%. Tips and Strategies for this Policy: The +2 Gold from Land Trade Routes is great, but not that impressive given the best are from sea and +2 Gold is not much with only 8 Trade Route Slots available. The best part of this is the.

Venice led by Enrico Dandolo is a civilization available in vanilla Civilization 5. It requires the Brave New World expansion pack.

Using Holy Roman Empire (Charles V) gives Enrico Dandolo a new unique ability and tweaks the abilities of his units.

  • 1Overview
    • 1.2Enrico Dandolo
  • 5Mod Support
    • 5.1Events and Decisions



La serenissima ('the most serene' or 'sublime') Republic of Venice was built on islands in a lagoon of the Adriatic Sea and became the greatest seaport of medieval and Renaissance Europe, the continent's commercial and cultural link with the East. Settled initially by Roman refugees from German and Hun invasions, in 726 AD the citizens of the city rose in rebellion against Byzantine rule, declared themselves a free republic, and elected the first of the 117 doges that would administer the city-state. From the 9th through the 12th centuries Venice developed into a naval and commercial power that dominated the Mediterranean trade routes from the Levant and Orient, from Morocco and Spain. Venetian merchant-explorers fanned out across Asia and Africa, bringing ever more wealth to the city, as well as making it one of the cultural centers of Europe. Venetian seamen would challenge both the Byzantine and Ottoman empires for supremacy along Mediterranean shores. Eventually, for reasons including the discovery of the New World and dynastic struggles among the European nations, Venice would decline in wealth, influence and power. In 1797 AD Napoleon conquered the city, and it would never again be an independent entity. However, since then Venice has held an unrivaled place in the world's collective imagination. The spectacle of its canals, marbled churches, frescoed palaces, and magnificent works of art reflected in the sparkling waters of the lagoon basking under blue skies has made it one of the most romantic locales of modern civilization.

Enrico Dandolo

Enrico Dandolo, the 42nd Doge of Venice, was famous for his piety and longevity, while equally infamous for his pivotal role in the Fourth Crusade which led to the sack of Constantinople and the collapse of the Byzantine Empire. What made this all the more remarkable was the fact that Enrico was blind. Born to a powerful family, Enrico Dandolo served the Republic as a diplomat for much of his life. Elected Doge in June 1192 AD at an advanced age, he nevertheless took up the post with vigor. In the following years he reformed the Venetian currency, as well as its legal system, and sought stronger ties with the Western powers. In 1202, the knights of the Fourth Crusade were stranded in Italy without funds to pay for ships. Dandolo 'took the Cross' and made Venice the major financial backer for the crusade. This ultimately led to the attack on Constantinople in 1204, where the Doge was present and took an active part. He died shortly thereafter, and was buried in the Hagia Sophia.

Dawn of Man

Greetings, most astute Doge Enrico Dandolo of Venice, master of statecraft and shrewd negotiator. Although you rose to power late in life, old age did little to slow your cunning or ambition, as you deftly managed the bustling commercial center of Venice during a time of great instability. In aligning yourself with the Fourth Crusade, you carefully gained a strategic advantage and used the Crusaders to reacquire lost territory for Venice. Your role in guiding the Crusaders during the sacking of Constantinople led to an even greater expansion of your power, and secured your legacy throughout history.

Most insightful and cunning Doge, Venice once again requires the service of a skilled leader, one who can bring the republic back to the forefront of world affairs. Can you establish your nation through careful trade, or will you work to conquer your enemies through diplomacy? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?

Introduction: Welcome to Venice. I am Doge Enrico Dandolo. (Benvenù a Venesia. So'l Doge Enrico Dandolo.)

Defeat: A wrong calculation, on my part. (Un conto sbaglià, da parte mia.)


Unique Attributes

Venice (Enrico Dandolo)
Venice (Enrico Dandolo)
Serenissima -

Cannot gain Settlers or annex Cities. Receives twice as many Trade Routes. Receive a Merchant of Venice after Optics.

Latin Empire -

Cannot train Settlers or annex Cities. +10% Gold in the Capital for every Puppet you own. May purchase Great Admirals and Merchants of Venice.

Great Galleass (Galleass)
  • +12.5% Combat Strength
Great Galleass (Galleass)
  • Units within two tiles gain +33% Combat bonus vs cities
  • Starts with the Siege promotion
  • Costs 1 additional Gold maintenance and takes slightly longer to construct
Merchant of Venice (Great Merchant)
  • Can be used to purchase City-States
  • +100% Gold and Influence from trade missions
  • +2 Movement when embarked
Merchant of Venice (Great Merchant)
  • Creates a copy of Venetian Glass upon constructing a Customs House
  • +100% Gold and Influence from trade missions
  • +2 Movement when embarked


Mod Support

Civ 5 Trade Route Slot

Events and Decisions

Rescue the Relics of St. Mark

The body of St. Mark, our patron saint, has been discovered abroad. It is our sacred duty to return him to his rightful place in Venice!


  • Player must be Venice
  • Must have a Trade Route with a City State
  • May only be enacted once per game


  • 600 Gold
  • -30 Influence with a random City State


  • Saint Mark's Basilica is built in the Capital
Saint Mark's Basilica
  • Has 2 slots for Great Works of Art
  • Contains a prebuilt Great Artifact

Found the Arsenale

Trade is the life blood of Venice and the protection of our trade routes is vital to our trading interests. For this, we need a strong navy. Let us found a shipyard to build for us a navy that will be the envy of the world!

Civ 5 Trade Route Slot


Civ 4 Trade Routes

  • Player must be Venice
  • Must have researched Compass
  • All Trade Route Slots must be used
  • May only be enacted once per game


  • 800 Gold
  • 2 Magistrates


  • +33% Production when training Naval Units
  • 3 Great Galleasses appear near the Capital

(Warning: Your Capital should be within working range of an Ocean)

Unique Cultural Influence

'Our people are now buying your glass trinkets and your masks. I worry the rest of the world will also succumb to the influence of your culture.'

List of City


Civ Vi Trade Route

Vanilla Civilizations
America • Arabia • Aztec • China • Egypt • England • France • Germany • Greece • India • Iroquois • Japan • Ottoman • Persia • Rome • Russia • Siam • Songhai
Babylon • Denmark • Inca • Korea • Mongolia • Polynesia • Spain
Gods and Kings
Austria • Byzantium • Carthage • Celts • Ethiopia • Huns • Maya • Netherlands • Sweden
Assyria • Brazil • Indonesia • Morocco • Poland • Portugal • Shoshone • Venice • Zulu

Civ 5 Trade Route Slot Machines

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